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Business Insights

Oct 22, 2020

Hitting the mark: Making and meeting financial savings goals at every stage of your legal career

One of the most popular resolutions, saving money, easily rivals those new workout routines everyone swears they’ll stick to. But what do you do when it’s October and your savings account has little to show for your January promise? Here, the experts at Maia Wealth lay out some fourth quarter savings strategies that are grea[...]

Oct 20, 2020

Stuck in the COVID-19 backlog? Arbitration may be your best alternative

For those litigants with the knowledge and ability to clear the entry hurdles, arbitration will provide a fast-track to resolving many issues that will be delayed or complicated by the COVID-19 crisis.


Oct 20, 2020

Breaking the inertia: developing a succession plan amid a pandemic

Seek and engage a trusted advisor to plan your future, set a date for your next step in life, and create a vision for your future self. Check out these tips from BKD CPAs & Advisors.

Oct 19, 2020

CEO Challenges: I’m on my heels and winter is coming! Now what?

Take a day out of the office and away from Zoom and ponder these. Perhaps do it with your senior team. You’ll be a better leader as a result and a bit less anxious.

Oct 16, 2020

Why now is the time to buy gold

Owning some gold in your portfolio in the form of an exchange traded fund (ETF) may make more sense and here is why.

Oct 15, 2020

BKD releases the 2020 Year-End Tax Advisor

Created annually to assist businesses and individuals with crucial year-end planning decisions, more than a dozen contributors worked together to create 18 articles detailing everything from how COVID-19 has affected various industries to charitable giving and information reporting reminders.

Oct 13, 2020

Managing retirement planning during the pandemic

From job layoffs, furloughs and shuttered businesses—the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly impacted our economy, forcing many to make the hard decision about whether or not to dip into their retirement savings to pay the bills and put food on the table. Research found three in 10 Americans withdrew money from their retirement [...]


Oct 13, 2020

Top small business marketing tips in 2020

YellowDog knows how to dig deep into audience segmentation and targeted campaigns. On top of that, our team has all the strategic know-how and creative talent to help with initial branding and ongoing brand maintenance. Here are a few tricks.

Oct 12, 2020

What to do when government funds run out

While some companies, have seen their operations and bottom line grow, others have faced significant challenges. Some of the challenges brought on by the pandemic were eased with government stimulus funds provided by the CARES Act, but that cash injection is likely dwindling at this point and there’s no additional wave of fund[...]

Oct 12, 2020

3 reasons B Corp Certification is good for business

Certified B Corporations, also known as B Corps, are for-profit companies that are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on both people and the planet. Becoming a B Corp isn’t easy, but it’s well worth the effort. Here are three reasons why becoming a B Corp is good for business.

Oct 2, 2020

Investing a lump sum by nightfall

Although loss aversion is part of our psychological wiring as human beings, the frequency of evaluations is a choice that investors can control. When you have a lump sum to invest, act by nightfall and put it to work immediately. Then, once it’s invested, think in decades, not days.

Oct 1, 2020

What successful entrepreneurs know about these 3 relationships

New or aspiring entrepreneurs can enhance their chances of success by making sure they prioritize these 3 relationships while launching or scaling their business.