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Management & Leadership

Mar 1, 2013

Reducing the trust deficit

Today’s leadership coaches spend a great deal of time on qualities such as vision and communication skills, but one important element is often missing: character development. The kind of character I am referring to is being truthful – say what you mean; mean what you say; and back up what you say with action. Unfortunately, […]

Feb 28, 2013

Best of CoBiz: I love you but you make me crazy

(Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from business performance improvement expert Larry Valant’s book, Stop Breaking These Rules! 100 Hard-Hitting Truths for Business Integrity and Performance.) The 80/20 rule says that even those we like best make us crazy 20 percent of the time. We as humans tend to be demanding and exacting, especially of […]

Feb 27, 2013

No worker should serve two masters

I’m sure some folks reading this work for two people whom they adore and everything is harmonious. They might also believe that Warren Jeffs was just a man with too much talent to waste on one woman. However, every situation I’ve observed with split loyalties causes carnage, confusion or cussing....

Feb 25, 2013

Introducing the Empire of One

What are the odds of you ending up age 65-70 and having regretted your entire life? As people edge towards retirement, reflective moments like this can be a gut wrenching experience. If you’re like most, the odds are well over 90 percent. For many, the jobs world has transitioned from a lifelong career path to […]

Feb 22, 2013

If you pay peanuts, you’ll get monkeys

(Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from business performance improvement expert Larry Valant’s book, Stop Breaking These Rules! 100 Hard-Hitting Truths for Business Integrity and Performance.) RI is the superior predictor of long term company value. The University of Chicago graduate school of business has done extensive research on residual income as a predictor of […]

Feb 22, 2013

Logo mug versus paper cup

In a recent Vistage presentation, Chair Phil Liebman, posed a question that sparked an interesting debate about the distinction between a probationary period versus an onboarding period. The conversation came about as I was sharing my top 10 list of tips to instantly improve your onboarding process.  Number five on the list is “create a […]

Feb 21, 2013

Go, Pope, go!

A guy with arguably one of the most important and toughest jobs in the universe just quit with only two weeks’ notice. He had a billion people in his organization. His “company” provided not just a housing allowance but a compound so impressive that it had an original Michelangelo painting … on the ceiling! He […]

Feb 21, 2013

How change can keep your business thriving

Change seems to be a way of life today, regardless of how the economy is doing. Changing regulations, changing competition and technological advances, among other things, have required executives to transform their businesses in one way or another on what seems like a constant basis. The days where you could develop a business plan and […]

Feb 20, 2013

How to avoid fatal hiring mistakes

The right person walks through the door: nicely dressed, proficient in every one of the technical skills listed in your job description, with several years’ experience in your industry. A dream candidate—and you make a job offer before someone else snaps her up. Six months later, you finally admit that this person is just plain […]

Feb 19, 2013

Follow first — then lead

If you want to lead, you must first learn to follow. Ben Franklin said that. And if you want to be a corporal in the Marines, you have to be a private first. How about a famous chef? You’ll peel potatoes long before you’re the next Wolfgang Puck. And you’ll learn to wash dishes and […]

Feb 13, 2013

Top 10 reasons to engage employees through social media

Nearly half of all U.S. companies still ban workers from using social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn while on the job.  However, the 100 Best Companies to Work For embrace social media, going so far as to allow their employees to represent their brand online, resolve customers issues, and create online content.  Even highly regulated […]

Feb 12, 2013

Keep calm and carry cash

Working in a startup company is tough. Founders face many challenges: Creating a brand;  getting customers to believe in their company;  developing cutting edge products;  and persuading customers to buy or use their products and services. The financial operations team, however, is a valuable and often overlooked resilient sales strategy and support system. Financial leadership […]