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Jan 12, 2017

How to write a resume that works

When I say “works”, I mean a resume that gets you an interview. That is a good resume’s sole purpose. You want this document to pique the prospective employer’s interest enough that she asks you for an interview.

Jan 11, 2017

What should you do about employee overtime?

A federal judge blocked the implementation of the labor department's new overtime rule. The DOL has appealed the ruling, which means the new rule’s future is up in the air.

Jan 11, 2017

Why you should declare war on bureaucracy

Insidious as termites, as hard to destroy as a nuclear-hardened bomb shelter, disguised as health food but as nasty as deep-fried butter ― bureaucracy may be killing you.

Jan 10, 2017

Follow Sinatra's advice for a better life

Perhaps you'll find guidance, as I do, from Frank Sinatra in his song, "That's Life". Here's a useful interpretation of the song with seven key lessons

Jan 9, 2017

Embrace the trends that will build your future

This job market is a game-changer. It’s time to let go of whatever is holding you back and embrace the recruiting trends that will help attract and retain the people who will build your future.

Jan 9, 2017

Websites, beware: Using third-party content can be illegal

The DMCA has proved to be a very valuable tool for both service providers and content owners. The new regulations now make it more incumbent on the service provider to make sure they are in compliance.

Jan 6, 2017

Do you want to be a spirit-driven leader in 2017?

Do you want to be a spirit-driven leader in 2017? Here are 10 paths to explore for spirit-driven leadership in New Year.

Jan 5, 2017

Doing business in the year of the moose

Almost every economist has missed the recent economic gyrations, so all the planning in the world will be unable to predict what this year has to offer. So what should you do?

Jan 5, 2017

A closer look at holiday spending

Now that Christmas has passed, retailers may see an influx of shoppers as many may begin taking advantage of post-holiday sales or exchange gifts for items that better suit their needs.

Jan 4, 2017

Eight reasons why it's time to update your employee policies

One constant in employment law in recent years has been change. Changes in just the past year necessitate updates to personnel policies. If it has been a while since you’ve updated your policies, it may be time for a review.

Jan 4, 2017

Think differently about your work and see what happens

Why wait for disaster or opportunity to strike before you think about how you’ll lead and manage in those situations? Think differently about your work and see what happens. Here are a few suggestions.

Jan 3, 2017

Why you should have only one goal the rest of your life

To have a life of purpose, we have to live on purpose. Here are three reasons why you should take the bull by the horns and make life happen for you, not to you.