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Management & Leadership


Jul 27, 2020

5 reasons businesses should move to Colorado’s Grand Valley – even in a pandemic

As recent transplants will attest, the key reasons businesses and individuals have chosen the Grand Valley had little to do with the region's low COVID-19 numbers. Here are five reasons they have.

Jul 27, 2020

How to ensure your employees stay productive in the pandemic

With summer in full swing, employees may be preoccupied with heat, planned vacations that may have changed from destination and kids who have been cooped up. And with new work-from-home environments, it is more important than ever to keep employees productive. Start here with these six steps.

Jul 22, 2020

CEO Coaching: A success story in the time of COVID-19

Most of us are not having that much fun in the time of COVID-19, but looking for success stories can be informative and inspirational


Jul 20, 2020

Balancing technology without losing the human touch during COVID-19

While technology and automation will play critical roles in keeping the economy moving, the only way we will get through this is together. Businesses that prioritize communication, human interaction and empathy will stand the best chance of survival as we enter the new normal.


Jul 8, 2020

Could your nonprofit benefit from a CFO?

Local nonprofits might serve the greater good, but their balance sheets and operations can be just as complicated as any for-profit business’s. When it comes to finances, nonprofit organizations face the same daily challenges as big corporations.

Jul 8, 2020

What risks should CEOs take?

Leaders who move towards greater transparency, vulnerability and collaboration generally produce better results. Their people are more committed, turnover is lower, decisions are more thoroughly vetted, and they have stronger teams.

Jul 2, 2020

The ultimate CEO toolkit

Effective facilitation takes some methodology and practice. If you (and your people) think your meetings suck, you’re probably not facilitating well. That’s fixable.

Jun 26, 2020

How leaders can choose between caution and courage

As the clock speed of business and disruption both continue to ramp up, is it time for you to institutionalize more courage?

Jun 24, 2020

4 steps to boost productivity in the construction industry

The Colorado construction industry is worth $17 billion dollars and putting a lens internally undoubtedly boosts productivity externally. Here is how the industry can catch up.

Jun 24, 2020

What leadership should look like in a new world

Everyone is working to get back to the way things used to be, but the reality is things won’t be that way for a long time. Today, businesses and business owners are onto new and alternative ways to operate.

Jun 23, 2020

If you open it, will they come?

The contagious COVID-19 virus caused a global rolling economic shutdown as the virus spread. Now, after an approximate two-month shelter-in-place order, states are reopening their economies. What does this mean for consumer spending?

Jun 17, 2020

CEOs: Do you have supporters or sycophants?

Is your team comprised of genuine supporters or sycophants? Whichever they might be, they’re a result of your leadership.